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€ 1.299


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€ 1.299



XP Deus 2 Fast Multi Frequentie


De nieuwste XP DEUS is echt weer een revolutie. Met zijn FMF (Fast Multi Frequency) zoekschijf heeft deze 7 frequenties tussen 4,5kHz en 45kHz met steeds 7 randfrequenties, om storing van andere gelijkaardige detectors in elkaars nabijheid te vermijden. Deze configuratie is uitgevoerd met 22cm zoekschijf.

Door middel van het door XP ontwikkelde radio-protocolsysteem is er geen vertraging in de draadloos met elkaar gekoppelde componenten.

De DEUS2 is waterdicht tot op een diepte van 20meter en is voorzien van een volledig nieuw ontwikkelde schokbestendige remote c ... read more



XP Deus 2 Fast Multi Frequentie


De nieuwste XP DEUS is echt weer een revolutie. Met zijn FMF (Fast Multi Frequency) zoekschijf heeft deze 7 frequenties tussen 4,5kHz en 45kHz met steeds 7 randfrequenties, om storing van andere gelijkaardige detectors in elkaars nabijheid te vermijden. Deze configuratie is uitgevoerd met 22cm zoekschijf.

Door middel van het door XP ontwikkelde radio-protocolsysteem is er geen vertraging in de draadloos met elkaar gekoppelde componenten.

De DEUS2 is waterdicht tot op een diepte van 20meter en is voorzien van een volledig nieuw ontwikkelde schokbestendige remote control.

De DEUS II presteert extreem goed in alle terreinen en omstandigheden, zowel op het land als op zee, dankzij de FMF®-technologie (Fast Multi Frequency).

De MI-6 pinpointer kan gekoppeld worden aan het systeem.


  • Fast Multi Frequency en enkele frequenties
  • Waterdicht tot 20 Meter. Onder water is wel een antenne nodig tussen de zoekschijf en de elektronische eenheid
  • Shockproof design
  • Volledig draadloos
  • Lichtgewicht
  • Nieuwe audio mogelijkheden
  • Geschikt voor land, strand (ook het natte gedeelte)  en onderwater
  • FMF zoekschijf 22cm
  • 4 Verschillende hoofdtelefoons. Bij de eerste exemplaren zal enkel de WS6 beschikbaar zijn
  • GO Terain App komt beschikbaar
  • 24 standaard programma's + 12 lege programmavelden
  • Update mogelijkheden indien software wijzigingen plaatvinden.
  • Frequenties: 4 tot 45 kHz 7 hoofdfrequenties met telkens 7 shifts, dus alles samen 49 frequenties
  • BH-01 Onderwater hoofdtelefoon beschikbaar in de loop van 2022 (Bone conduction systeem)
  • MI-6 Pinpointer blijft bruikbaar


Heeft garantie?
60 months
Is waterdicht?
Up to 20 meters

About XP

XP Metal Detectors is a French company based in Toulouse since 1998 and is one of the major players in the world of metal detection. We design and manufacture innovative metal detectors that have quickly become a reference for metal detectors enthusiasts. 

XP Metal Detectors is present in more than 50 countries around the world .

Constantly looking for new performances in order to best meet the expectations of their customers, XP relies on a total control of the value chain, from the design to the distribution of its metal detectors through their production in France.

Our technology

We owe our success to the quality of our metal detectors and the technological innovation they represent. Thought and designed by our engineers in collaboration with our team of experienced detectorists, XP’s range of metal detectors are responding to users real expectations and wishes. Our products combine power, reliability and ergonomics to strike the perfect balance between user and machine. With the release of the DEUS XP invented a new generation of metal detector that offers a userfriendly design and optimal performance. It took the hobby to a new dimension, showing the world its first high performance fully wireless metal detector weighing in from 770 grams.

Our values and commitments

Solicitous of respecting the environment and fighting against planned obsolescence, XP Metal Detectors is the first company to be awarded the new Lontime label the first European label to identify and promote products designed to last. Three main requirements to which our company is particularly committed: sustainable design, repairability and long-term warranty.

XP Metal Detectors guarantees its metal detectors for 5 years and offers repair for a minimum of 10 years. In addition, XP has also invested in renewable energy by constructing a very high energy performance building, heated by solar thermal panels combined with a wood pellet boiler, making it a zero CO2 emission building for heating.

The big revolution came in 2012 when the world's first wireless metal detector was launched, the XP DEUS. It is a device that, despite the fact that it has been on the market for 12 years, is still matched by few. Based on the XP DEUS, the simplified and cheaper XP ORX was released a few years later, in 2018. This was also a great success because the ORX uses the same search discs as the DEUS.

The latest XP DEUS II can safely be called revolutionary again. With its FMF (Fast Multi Frequency) coils, it has 7 frequencies between 4.5kHz and 45kHz, each with 7 edge frequencies, to avoid interference from other similar detectors in each other's vicinity. The DEUS II is available with 3 different search disks and 4 different headphones. With the DEUS II WS-6 master you can even search without remote control, which makes the detector a lot cheaper. If desired, the set can be expanded afterwards.

Thanks to the radio protocol system developed by XP, there is no delay in the wirelessly linked components.

The DEUS II is waterproof to a depth of 20 meters and is equipped with a completely newly developed shockproof remote control.

The DEUS II performs extremely well in all terrains and conditions, both on land and at sea, thanks to the FMF® technology (Fast Multi Frequency).

Currently this is only available with the WS-6 wireless headphones. This is splash-proof and has a larger screen than the classic WS-4 from DEUS. Other headphones will come onto the market at a later stage.

The MI-6 pinpointer can also be connected wirelessly to the system.


  • Fast Multi Frequency and individual frequencies
  • 14 pre-programmed programs
  • 10 empty program fields for creating your own programs.
  • Waterproof up to 20 meters depth. Underwater, an antenna is required between the search disk and the electronic unit
  • Shockproof design
  • Completely wireless
  • Lightweight
  • 5 year warranty
  • Longtime label (which is a promise that the detector can be repaired up to 10 years after purchase)

The longtime label was created to reward manufacturers who make their products so durable that they provide service for up to 10 years after purchase. To this day, XP still repairs every detector ever sold. That is unprecedented in the world of metal detection.


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